Learn DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins and Ansible

Mock test + HR skill Development + Placement We, at Oytie have always tried to focus and work on each and every fields of Information Technology and create great career opportunities. We believe no...

  • All levels
  • English

Course Description

Mock test + HR skill Development + Placement We, at Oytie have always tried to focus and work on each and every fields of Information Technology and create great career opportunities. We believe not only giving trainings but also make sure that one has a great career option ahead of a particular course. What Is DevOps? DevOps is a methodology that unifies software development with inform...

Mock test + HR skill Development + Placement We, at Oytie have always tried to focus and work on each and every fields of Information Technology and create great career opportunities. We believe not only giving trainings but also make sure that one has a great career option ahead of a particular course. What Is DevOps? DevOps is a methodology that unifies software development with information technology (IT) operations. DevOps prioritizes fast software delivery above all else, through the use of automation, integration, continuous collaboration, and open communication. To maintain a standard level of quality, DevOps teams use Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) practices and tools. Continuous Integration (CI) practices improve the codebase is secure through frequent updates, and Continuous Delivery (CD) speeds up the process with automation.

What you’ll learn
  • Flexible schedule - Most important step to land to a job is being prepared for the interview. Oytie provides the environment where one gets the platform to practice and improvise interview skills.
  • Interview Preparation - Mock Interview session practice from industry experts panel.
  • Resume Preparation - Resumes help employers make hiring decisions and help you get your first interview. That's why it matters how you structure your resume and what information you decide to include.
  • Live Project Training - Live Project training is important to learn ethics, discipline and working environment of a Company.
  • Practice Course Material - Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student achievement by supporting student learning. For example, a worksheet may provide a student with important opportunities to practice a new skill gained in class.

Covering Topics

DevOps on Cloud

GIT – A Version Controlling tool







      DevOps on Cloud
    •	Essentials of Cloud Computing?
    •	Cloud and virtualization architecture
    •	Cloud Deployment Architecture
    •	Cloud Providers-An Overview
    •	Why we need DevOps on Cloud
    •	Introducing to Amazon Web Services
      GIT – A Version Controlling tool
    •	Knowing about Version control
    •	Git-A CLI
    •	Essentials of GIT in Industry
    •	How to setup GIT
    o Installing GIT
    o First-time Git Setup
    o Getting a Git Repository
    •	Working with Various commands in GIT
    •	Recording Changes to the Repository
    o How to check the status of your files
    o How to track New Files
    o Staging our modified files
    o Ignoring Files from GIT
    o Viewing Your Unstaged and staged Changes
    o How to commit Your changes
    o Skipping the staging Area and commit
    o Removing Files from GIT
    •	Viewing the Commit History
    o Limiting logs Output
    o Using a GUI to Visualize History
    •	Undoing Things
    o Changing Your Last Commit
    o Unstaging a Stagged File
    o Unmodifying a Modified File
    •	Working with Remotes
    o Showing Your Remotes
    o Adding remote Repositories
    o Fetching and Pulling from your Remotes
    o Pushing to your Remotes
    o Inspecting a Remote
    o Removing and Renaming Remotes
    •	Branching and Merging in Git
    o What is Branch Is
    o Basic in Branching and Merging
    o Branch Management in GIT
    o Branching Workflows and their usage
    o Remote Branches – create and delete
    o Rebasing
    •	Git Workflows
    •	Git Cheat Sheet
    •	Docker – Overview
    •	Docker – Container
    •	Docker – Virtual Machines
    •	Docker – Engine
    •	Docker – Architecture
    •	Docker – Client
    •	Docker – Storage
    •	Docker – Networking
    •	Docker – Installation
    •	Docker – Installation Docker in Windows
    •	Docker – Container and Image
    •	Docker – Implementation Example
    •	Kubernetes-Introduction
    •	Kubernetes Cluster Architecture- An Overview
    •	Understanding Concepts of Pods, Replica sets,
    deployments and namespaces
    •	Understanding the concepts of services and networking
    •	Persistent volumes and persistent volume claims-an overview
    •	Design of Pods
    •	Understanding labels, selectors, jobs and schedulers
    •	Essentials of Continuous Integration
    •	An Example scenario where CI is used
    •	Know about Jenkins and its architecture in detail
    •	Jenkins tool management in detail
    •	Know about User Management in Jenkins
    •	Authentication
    o Jenkins own database user creation
    o Options to enable integration with LDAP
    •	Authorization
    o Matrix-based authorization
    o Project-based authorization
    •	Overview of Maven
    o Maven project structure
    o Maven plugin
    o Project Object Model(POM)-fundamental unit of work in Maven project
    o Maven Build LifeCycle
    o Adding External dependencies to maven pom.xml
    o Maven build and test project
    •	Creating jobs and automatic build settings
    o What is Jenkins Pipeline?
    o Why Pipeline?
    •	Integration with GIT
    o How to enable project-based authorization for a job
    o Source code management while creating jobs
    o Triggering an automated build
    o Maven job setup
    o Know about post-build options for jobs like notifications, triggering another build, publishing reports, etc
    •	Adding a slave node to Jenkins
    •	Building Delivery Pipeline
    •	Notification settings in Jenkins
    •	Plugin management in Jenkins
    •	Introducing Ansible – A Configuration management Tool
    o Basics
    o Installation
    o Understanding Ansible Architecture
    o Control Machine Requirements
    o Managed Node Requirements
    •	Inventory
    o Host and Groups
    o Host Variables
    o Group Variables
    •	Learn various ansible Modules
    •	How to use adhoc commands
    o Parallelism and Shell Commands
    o File Transfer
    o Managing Packages
    o Users and Groups
    o Deploying from Source Files
    o Managing Services
    •	Introduction to YAML script
    •	Playbook
    o About Playbooks
    o Playbook language Example-YAML
    o How to write Playbooks
    o Task in Playbooks
    o Understanding about various tasks in playbook
    o Introduction to Handlers and variables
    o Learn about using handlers, variables in the playbook
    o Become(Privilege Escalation)
    •	Roles
    o Role Directory Structure
    o Using Roles
    o Role Duplication and Execution
    o Role Default Variables
    o Role Dependencies
    o Role Search Path
    o Ansible Galaxy
    •	Including and Importing
    o Includes vs Imports
    o Importing Playbooks
    o Including and Importing Task Files
    o Including and Importing Roles
    •	Introduction to Grafana
    o Getting Started
    o Basic Concepts
    o Screencasts
    o Grafana and other tools
    •	Grafana Installation
    o Installing on Ubuntu/Debian
    o Installing on Centos/Redhat
    o Installing using Docker
    o Building from Source
    o Upgrading
    •	Grafana Administration
    o Configuration
    o Security
    o Authentication
    o Permissions
    o Grafana CLI
    o Internal metrics
    o Provisioning
    o Troubleshooting
    •	Grafana Features
    o Panels
    o Dashboard Features
    o Data Sources
    o Explore
    o Alerting
    o Keyboard Shortcuts
    o What’s new in Grafana?
    •	Grafana Integration
    o Running Grafana behind a reverse proxy
    o Create API Tokens and Dashboards
    o Grafana with IIS Reverse Proxy on Windows
    o How to integrate Hubot and Grafana
    o Setup Grafana for High availability
    •	Grafana Plugins
    o Installing Plugins
    o Developing Plugins
    •	Grafana HTTP API
    o Admin
    o Alerting
    o Alerting Notification Channels
    o Annotations
    o Authentication HTTP API
    o Dashboard
    o Dashboard Permissions
    o Dashboard Versions
    o Data Source
    o Data Source Permissions
    o External Group Sync
    o Folder
    o Folder/Dashboard Search
    o Organization
    o Playlist
    o Preferences
    o Snapshot
    o Teams
    o User

Frequently Asked Questions

Freshers, BE/Bsc Candidates, Any Graduate, Any Post-Graduate