Data Science

    LIVE TRAINING + 100% PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ABOUT THE COURSE This comprehensive data science course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in...

    ₹ 7999

    ₹ 12000

    33% off

    ₹7999  12000

    33% off

    This includes following
    •  100 Videos
    •  100 Chapter
    •  Duration : 4 Month
    •  250 Hours
    •  Completion certificate : Yes
    •  Language : English
    This comprehensive data science course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the key concepts and tools used in data
    analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The course is ideal for students who want to learn the latest techniques and technologies
    for working with data and applying statistical analysis to real-world problems.
    Throughout the course, students will learn how to use Python and SQL to perform data manipulation and analysis, how to build and apply
    machine learning and deep learning algorithms, and how to use popular tools such as Tableau and Power BI to visualize and present data insights.
    The course is divided into six modules, each focusing on a different aspect of data science:
    Module 1: Python Fundamentals
    Module 2: SQL Fundamentals
    Module 3: Data Exploration and Visualization with Tableau and Power BI
    Module 4: Machine Learning Fundamentals
    Module 5: Deep Learning Fundamentals
    Module 6: Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
    Each module includes mix of all live sessions to reinforce key concepts and skills, interactive exercises along with live doubt clearing sessions.
    Additionally, each module includes live projects and assessments to give students hands-on experience with real-world data science problems.
    Upon completion of the course, students will have a solid understanding of the core concepts and tools used in data science and will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to work on complex data science projects.
    Data science is an interdisciplinary field that involves the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of large amounts of data to gain
    insights and make informed decisions. It combines various techniques and methods from statistics, mathematics, computer science, and domain knowledge to extract meaningful patterns and knowledge from complex and often unstructured data.
    The goal of data science is to discover valuable information and actionable insights from data in order to solve problems, make predictions, optimize processes, and support decision-making. It involves the entire data lifecycle, including data acquisition, data cleaning and preprocessing, exploratory data analysis, modeling and algorithm development, evaluation, and communication of results.
    Data science finds applications in various fields, including finance, healthcare, marketing, social sciences, engineering, and many others. It
    helps organizations make data-driven decisions, uncover patterns and trends, develop predictive models, optimize processes, and improve overall performance.
    Overall, data science is a rapidly growing and evolving field that plays a crucial role in extracting insights and value from the vast amounts of data generated in today's digital age. 

        Module 1: Python Fundamentals

        Module 2: SQL Fundamentals

        Module 3: Data Exploration and Visualization with Tableau and Power BI

        Module 4: Machine Learning Fundamentals

        Module 5: Deep Learning Fundamentals

        Module 6: Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals

       Module 1: Python Fundamentals

       Module 2: SQL Fundamentals

       Module 3: Data Exploration and Visualization with Tableau and Power BI

       Module 4: Machine Learning Fundamentals

       Module 5: Deep Learning Fundamentals

       Module 6: Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals

    •   Module 1: Python Fundamentals (40 hours)
      Python basics: variables, data types, operators, and expressions
       Data types: integers, floats, booleans, strings, and lists
       Operators: arithmetic, logical, and comparison
       Expressions and statements
      Control structures: loops, conditionals, and functions
       If-else statements and conditional expressions
       Loops: for and while
       Functions: syntax, parameters, and return statements
       Recursion
      Object-oriented programming concepts: classes, objects, and inheritance
       Class definitions: instance variables, methods, and constructors
       Objects: creating and using objects, passing objects as arguments
       Inheritance: extending classes, method overriding, and super()
      Introduction to data structures: lists, tuples, and dictionaries
       Lists: indexing, slicing, appending, and sorting
       Tuples: creating, packing and unpacking, and iterating
       Dictionaries: creating, accessing, and updating key-value pairs
      Input and output operations with files
       Reading and writing text files
       Handling exceptions and errors
       Using the OS and SYS modules
    •   Module 2: SQL Fundamentals (30 hours)
      Relational databases: tables, records, and fields
       Creating tables and defining relationships
       Inserting data into tables
       Updating and deleting data from tables
       Using aggregate functions
      SQL basics: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements
       SELECT statement: querying data from one or multiple tables
       INSERT statement: adding data to a table
       UPDATE statement: modifying existing data
       DELETE statement: removing data from a table
      Querying multiple tables with joins
       Inner, left, right, and full outer joins
       Self-joins and subqueries
       Using aliases and aggregate functions with joins
       Using union and intersect operators
      Aggregating data with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
       Grouping data by one or more columns
       Using aggregate functions with GROUP BY
       Filtering groups with the HAVING clause
       Using nested queries with GROUP BY and HAVING
      Subqueries and correlated subqueries
       Using subqueries in SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and HAVING clauses
       Comparing subqueries with joins
       Using correlated subqueries
    •   Module 3: Data Exploration and
      Visualization with Tableau and Power BI (30 hours)
      Introduction to Tableau and Power BI
       Getting started with Tableau and Power BI
       Connecting to data sources
       Creating visualizations and dashboards
       Sharing and publishing reports
      Creating charts, graphs, and maps
       Creating basic charts and graphs
       Using different chart types
       Adding labels, titles, and annotations
       Creating geographic maps
      Calculated fields and table calculations
       Creating calculated fields
       Using basic arithmetic and logical operators
       Using aggregate functions in calculated fields
       Creating table calculations
      Interactive dashboards and storyboards
       Creating interactive dashboards
       Using filters and parameters
       Adding interactivity with actions
       Creating a storyboard with Tableau and Power BI
    •   Module 4: Machine Learning Fundamentals
      (40 hours)
      Introduction to Machine Learning
       Supervised vs unsupervised learning
       Linear regression
       Model evaluation metrics
      Classification algorithms
       Decision trees
       Random forests
       Naive Bayes
      Clustering algorithms
       K-means
       Hierarchical clustering
      Dimensionality Reduction techniques
       PCA
       t-SNE
      Model selection and tuning
       Grid search
       Cross-validation
    •   Module 5: Deep Learning Fundamentals
      (40 hours)
      Introduction to Neural Networks
       Feedforward neural networks
       Backpropagation algorithm
       Activation functions
      Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
       Image classification
       Object detection
      Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
       Sequence modelling
       Sentiment analysis
      Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
       Image generation
       Image to Image Translation
    •   Module 6: Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
      (25 hours)
      Introduction to AI
       Agents and environments
       Search algorithms
      Logic and Planning
       Propositional logic
       First-order logic
       Planning
      Natural Language Processing (NLP)
       Text classification
       Information extraction
       Sentiment analysis
       Kinematics and dynamics
       Path planning
       Control
    To apply for a course at CodingSquare, you can reach out to us directly through our contact information provided on our website. Alternatively, you can submit your query or request through our online form, and one of our dedicated executives will promptly get in touch with you to provide further details and guide you through the application process. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you take the next step in your educational journey.
    Codingsquare can boost your career through comprehensive learning, hands-on projects, industry-relevant curriculum, expert guidance, placement assistance, networking opportunities, and industry recognition. It equips you with the knowledge, skills, and support needed to succeed in the tech industry.
    Participants and the teacher will log in at the same time for the live, interactive training, which will take place at a predetermined time. A recording of the same session will also be made, and viewers will have access to it to review, summarize, or watch a missed session.
    Education Provider
    CodingSquare - IT & Software Development

    At CodingSquare, We Empower You With The Skills And Knowledge To Thrive In The Fast-paced Realm Of Technology. Whether You’re An Aspiring Coder, A Data Enthusiast, Or A Web Development Aficionado, Our Comprehensive Courses And Industry-relevant Curriculum Will Guide You Towards Success. Join CodingSquare And Unlock Your Potential In The Rapidly Evolving World Of Technology.

    CodingSquare Is An Ed-Tech Company Specializing In Providing Comprehensive And Industry-focused Online Training Programs. With A Mission To Empower Learners With In-demand Skills, CodingSquare Offers A Wide Range Of Courses In Fields Like Data Science, Da
    April 2023
    Data Science, Data Analytics
    ₹7999  12000

    33% off

    This includes following
    •  100 Videos
    •  100 Chapter
    •  Duration : 4 Month
    •  250 Hours
    •  Completion certificate : Yes
    •  Language : English

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