A Brain Grow

Skill Development (Personality Development)

ourse Name- Magic of memory.



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A Brain Grow

Brain Grow Institute: Established in March 2022, Brain Grow has quickly become a leader in cognitive skill enhancement and memory training. Our flagship course, "Magic of Memory (યાદશક્તિનો જાદુ)," is designed to unlock the full potential of your memory.

For a nominal fee of ₹500 per day, participants are offered an insightful demo lecture followed by two full days of comprehensive training. The sessions are conducted by the renowned Memory Guru Mr. Ankit Jadav, whose expertise and innovative techniques have transformed the cognitive capabilities of many.

Join us to discover the secrets of memory enhancement and witness the remarkable benefits it can bring to your personal and professional life.

A Brain Grow offered

Skill Development : Personality Development

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course image
Magic of memory (યાદ...

"Magic of Memory" is a comprehensive course designed to unlock the hidden potential of your mind by...


Yes, A Brain Grow Provide demo classes.

You can make payment Via Cash,UPI is available at A Brain Grow.

We are teaching in English,Gujarati,Hindi language.

Meet Our Team

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