Learn Python Programming From Scratch

Python is frequently used for data analysis, data visualization, task automation, and the development of software and websites. Many non-programmers, including scientists and accountants, have embrace...

  • All levels
  • English

Course Description

Python is frequently used for data analysis, data visualization, task automation, and the development of software and websites. Many non-programmers, including scientists and accountants, have embraced Python due to its ease of learning, and they use it for a range of daily chores, including managing finances. Python has emerged as a key language in data science, enabling experts in the field t...

Python is frequently used for data analysis, data visualization, task automation, and the development of software and websites. Many non-programmers, including scientists and accountants, have embraced Python due to its ease of learning, and they use it for a range of daily chores, including managing finances. Python has emerged as a key language in data science, enabling experts in the field to perform intricate statistical computations, generate data visualizations, construct machine learning algorithms, work with and analyze data, and accomplish other data-related tasks. Python is often used to develop the back end of a website or application—the parts that a user doesn’t see. Python’s role in web development includes sending data to and from servers, processing data and communicating with databases, routing URLs, and ensuring security. Python offers several frameworks for web development. Commonly used ones include Django and Flask. Python is an object-oriented, high-level, interpreted, interactive, general-purpose, open-source programming language that is best suited for software development. Many topics, including Python Language Fundamentals, Setting Up Python Programming Environments, Python Object-Oriented Programming, Python Data Types, Working with Files, Date Time, Regular Expressions, and Exception Handling, are covered in this Python course. This course is for anyone who wants to learn the foundations of Python.

What you’ll learn
  • Introduction to Python Programming
  • Installation and The executing the first program in Python
  • Variables, Comments, Type Casting, Strings, Taking Input from User
  • Python Operators, Data Types and Control Structures
  • Arrays, Command Line Arguments, Functions
  • Classes and objects, Inheritance and Overriding, Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  • Working with Date and Time and File Handling
  • Solution to Exercises and Conclusion

Covering Topics

Variables, Comments and TypeCasting

Working with Strings, Taking Input from User


Python Operators

Control Structures an Range Function

DataTypes - Lists

DataTypes - Sets, Tuples

DataTypes - Dictionary

Arrays, Command Line Arguments


Classes and Objects

Inheritance and Overriding

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Working with Date and Time

Working with File Handling

Working with Exception Handling

Working with Regular Expressions

Solution to Exercises



      Introduction to Python Programming
    •	Introduction to Python Programming
      Variables, Comments, Type Casting, Strings, Taking Input from User
    •	Variables, Comments and TypeCasting (35:35)
    •	Working with Strings, Taking Input from User (35:55)
    •	Variables
      Python Operators, Data Types and Control Structures5 lectures
    •	Python Operators (27:59)
    •	Control Structures an Range Function (39:04)
    •	DataTypes - Lists (28:26)
    •	DataTypes - Sets, Tuples (32:52)
    •	DataTypes - Dictionary (30:03)
      Arrays, Command Line Arguments, Functions
    •	Arrays, Command Line Arguments (33:40)
    •	Functions (24:28)
      Classes and objects, Inheritance and Overriding, Abstract Classes and Interfaces
    •	Classes and Objects (33:14)
    •	Inheritance and Overriding (24:37)
    •	Abstract Classes and Interfaces (19:31)
      Working with Date and Time and File Handling
    •	Working with Date and Time (20:48)
    •	Working with File Handling (24:59)
      Working with Exception Handling and Regular Expressions
    •	Working with Exception Handling (22:08)
    •	Working with Regular Expressions (23:03)
      Solution to Exercises and Conclusion
    •	Solution to Exercises (00:06)
    •	Conclusion (00:05)

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn the Basic Concepts of Python, Help in Exploring the Python Libraries for Future, Explore the Procedural and Object Oriented Programming with Python, Getting ready to use Python for Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep learning etc.

Beginner Python Developers who are curious about Data Science, Building WebSites and learning foundation.

₹ 1500

₹ 3750 60% off

This course includes
  • Lectures 17
  • Duration 9 Hour
  • Month 1 Month
  • Language English
  • Certificate Yes

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