10 Useful Tips to Overcome from Exam Fear for Students

Education is mandatory but stress due to examination should not be mandatory for students. During exam times, students get anxiety and stress due to exam fear. Some students also have committed suicide because they could not handle exam fear. Common fear and anxiety is normal but when it goes over the limit, it becomes dangerous for students’ mental and also physical health. So, students need some tips to overcome exam fear.
Some students can get rid of exam fear easily but there are some students who fall prey to the fear of study which leads them into a zone of depression as well. This fear of examination puts themin pressure and they end up performing not-so-good. To help these students, it is crucial to learn how to overcome exam fear effectively.
To perform well in the examination and reduce fear of the examination, students need to calm themselves down first and prepare themselves in advance to face the exam and remove exam fear. Learning how to avoid exam fear can help prevent unnecessary stress and improve performance. They should keep in mind and follow some tips to overcome exam fear.
What is Exam Phobia?
Phobia means fear. So exam phobia simply means fear of examinations. It happens for a lot of reasons out of which some are unexplained. It may even push some students to anxiety and severe depression. To add, most of them even take drastic steps such as suicide or self-harm! Before reading ways to remove exam fear, it is important to note down the causes first.
Causes of Exam Phobia
Exam phobia is caused because of many reasons, for example,
- Fear of faring gravely in exams
- Fear of letting down guardians and teachers
- Fear of specific subjects that are viewed as troublesome
- Inability to recall or think while contemplating
- Giving value to grades and involving those as an impression of confidence
- Negative self-talk before and during exams
- Setting an unrealistic standard of success for oneself
- Contrasting oneself with others
Exam phobia frequently prompts poor academic performance, which builds anxiety and depression among students. It influences their general physical and emotional well-being and causes lower confidence. To combat this, students should be guided on how to remove exam fear and tackle anxiety effectively.
Students can beat these negative feelings with tips to overcome exam fear. However, they need a great deal of direction, basic encouragement, and uplifting feedback from guardians and teachers routinely. It’s with the assistance of their older folks and an adjustment of one’s reasoning that students can remove exam fear.
Tips To Overcome Exam Fear
Prepare Your Timetable
Being a student and parent of a student, you should not follow others and look at others’ for their routine of study. You should prepare your own timetable and make sure to study accordingly. This is one of the most effective ways to learn how to avoid exam fear.
Chart Out A Well Plan
Planning never goes wrong. During exam time, follow charts, pictures, and graphs. It impacts better on mind and memory and helps to understand any topic better and remain in memory for a longer time.
Do Not Leave Revision For Last Moment
Start revision as soon as possible. Do not leave it for the last moment. Start at least three days before the actual date of exam and just have a look at the entire thing for relaxation a night before the exam.
Give Proper Attention On Every Subject
Do not focus only on one subject instead try to mix studying all subjects. If you focus on studying only one subject and try to complete the entire syllabus of that subject, in such case, other subjects might not be covered. This imbalance can lead to an increase in fear before exam for other subjects.
Sleep Well
Proper sleep is necessary for working of mind actively. An 8-9 hours of sleep should be taken by a student. You can also take help of parents to schedule your time table and manage sleep time.
Sleeping for at least 8-9 hours to remove exam fear is scientifically-proven. Wake up with the help of your alarm and listen to your favorite inspirational music before heading out. This really helps! Pack everything one night before and visit the exam centre early to curb unnecessary fear.
Breaks Are Necessary
Allocating time for break is also important. Studying continuously for hours makes my mind tired and affects your health badly. Take breaks on a regular interval and relax yourself. Also, you can stretch your body to relax it.
Make Notes Of Important Points
To remember and revise at the last moment, it is important to take notes of people, incidents, dates, and events. When you are entering exam hall, just look at these notes.
Use Highlighters
Highlighting the main and focus points in your paper, using highlighter will be helpful. It lets the examiner know about your knowledge about the subject. It makes a good impression on the person checking your answer sheet as well. Moreover, you should use a highlighter at the time when you are studying and preparing the subject. Highlight important points to remember.
Give Proper Headings And Subheadings
When you are writing your paper, try to use the heads and subheads of your answer. Examiners will find it easy to understand and there will be no confusion.
Blank pages can add to your exam phobia, so please take deep breaths before starting. Read the instructions carefully and so do with your answers. Double-checking will eliminate all errors.
Have Nutritious Meals
The fuel to ultimate energy and success is in a healthy and tasty breakfast! Remember, everything begins from the stomach, so get a decent eating routine to follow every day.
Avoid too much of carbonated drinks, sugars, and packaged foods as they increase stress and fatigue. This will only add to your exam phobia. You can check out free diet plans on the internet for additional help.
Importance Of Meditation To Get Rid Of Exam Fear
Have you ever wondered why some students remain relaxed and focused during the time of study and examination while other students get worried?
Whether you call it maturity or the attainment of self-confidence, it all comes at its own pace as we grow older. Is there a way to speed up the process of gaining dominance over one’s mind, thoughts and feelings?
So that study and examination can be simplified?
The answer is yes. We are blessed to be in a time when there is a lot of research, tools and procedures available to help students.
One of the means in this is ‘meditation’. It improves concentration, provides direction to energy, enhances memory and can help immensely in studies, sports and extracurricular activities. It is also a useful tool to overcome exam fear, helping students approach their exams with a calmer mind.
Learn how meditation help in getting rid of exam fear:
Boosts concentration
If you find it difficult to concentrate on studying, then a few minutes of daily meditation can help you. Meditation helps to bring the mind to the present moment and gives direction to the energy.
As a result, you are able to focus better on your studies and you will have no fear of examination.
Fewer revisions needed
With meditation, your concentration improves, you can understand things faster, your memory becomes sharper and you have to reduce text re-observation than before or sometimes no re-observation is required at all.
Many meditating students say that the first study is sufficient to remember the main points. It also reduces the fear of exams.
Confidence takes a leap
Do you feel uncomfortable with the idea of sharing your thoughts in the classroom? How often does it happen that you know the answer but still you hesitate to raise your hand?
If you feel connected to this question, then make meditation your best friend and experience better confidence. Meditation can be done at any age and is a proven way to overcome exam fear by instilling a sense of calm and mental clarity, both during exams and in general classroom interactions.
Exam phobia happens because of an absence of planning and low trust in one’s capacities. Practice good self-talk at whatever point you feel anxiety crawling up your spine. Meditate for 10-15 minutes consistently to quiet your psyche and work on your focus. Practice the above-stated tips to overcome exam fear and see results in no time!
An early update, similar to the one held at the school in Bangalore, gives students more than adequate time to concentrate on each subject completely.
Enjoy short reprieves while examining and enjoying a fascinating action or your side interest. The best CBSE schools in Bangalore urge students to partake in extracurricular exercises to remove exam fear. These exercises are perfect for the whole self.
Indulging in these exercises assists students with consuming off abundance of energy, further developing their ability to focus, and remain revived while examining.
With the assistance of another viewpoint and the will to battle fear and anxiety, you can defeat the fear of exams and work on your scholastic execution over the long haul. Hope everything turns out great for you!
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