Skill of Probing Questions in Micro-Teaching: A Guide

The thought process of the students can improve with the help of the skill of questioning known as probing. In this process, once the teacher asks the questions to the students, they, in turn, get the response and this further leads to subsequent questions.
For getting the right response and removing any misconception in the minds of students, the teacher uses probing skills. It works mainly when there is an incorrect, partial or no response. Students can solve the problems through skill of probing questions with their teachers.
Skill Of Questioning In Microteaching: Explained
Asking questions is a powerful tool in microteaching. It helps teachers check students’ understanding, keep them engaged, and process information. Among different questioning techniques, probing questions are particularly useful. They encourage students to think deeply, elaborate their answers, and review their understanding.
Probing questions are designed to gather more information from students, pushing them to think critically and consider multiple aspects. By using probing question skill, teachers can help students develop their thinking skills, gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, and build confidence in their knowledge.
Some benefits of probing questions in microteaching include:
– Encouraging critical thinking and analysis
– Developing problem-solving skills
– Fostering creativity and innovation
– Enhancing communication skills
– Building student confidence and engagement
To use probing questions effectively, teachers can:
– Ask open-ended questions that encourage elaboration
– Use follow-up questions to delve deeper into students’ thinking
– Encourage students to explain their reasoning and thought processes
– Create a safe and supportive learning environment
Know About Probing Questions
Teachers want students to think about different aspects. Thus, probing questions are the hints or series of questions that teachers give the students for better clarity on various topics. It proves beneficial when students are less interested in the subject.
Let us have a look at the probing question’s example:
1. Why do you think that is?
Such questions look for the opinions of the other party and check out what their beliefs are. Why do they believe in such thoughts? What made them get to that conclusion?
2. How it will impact in future?
This kind of question helps in knowing how the other party predicts the future. Will the consequences be positive or negative? How will it affect the environment?
3. What should one need to alter for achieving the desired results?
The skill of questioning focuses on reaching solutions. When teachers ask this question it is to make students find out methods or processes which lead them to the proposed goal.
4. Do you think the method is right? How did you find the conclusion?
Such questions help to know why the third party came to those conclusions. They can start analyzing the pattern and find out if the conclusions were chosen subconsciously.
5. Does the questions remind you of anything?
Creative thinking is the result of the comparison and past connections. These kinds of probing questions helps to solve complicated problems.
6. What is your prediction?
Predictions force you to look forward and can help in creating a hypothesis. Students can get deeper knowledge about the ongoing situations.
7. What was your intention?
This probing question leads to further questions like: What were your plans? Did it led you somewhere else?
Other such probing questions can be: What are your fears? What is the root cause behind the problem? What are the long-term effects of the solutions or decisions?
Components of Questioning Skill In Micro Teaching
In Micro Teaching, components of questioning skill are essential. Questioning is an essential tool in microteaching as it helps teachers to interact with students and discover what they have learnt. Students can also clear their doubts and solve queries. It creates engagement in classroom, instead of monotonous teaching.
Here are the major components of the skill of probing questions:
- Prompting
- Redirecting
- Refocusing
- Seeking further information
- Critical Awareness
Let us know about them in detail.
Prompting consists of components of the skill of probing questions wherein teacher provides students certain hints so that they are able to give the right answer. Using this skill, teachers get the answers from students even if they feel they are now aware about the answer. For example, What is the process of photosynthesis? Is chlorophyll part of the process?
There are students who are unable to answer question even after probing. In such cases questions is passed on to other student which is known as redirecting. It helps in involving all the students in the microteaching and develops the thinking skills of learners. For example, instead of X students teacher can ask the question to Y– What is the process of photosynthesis?
It happens during the time of answering the questions, students lose their focus from the topic. It becomes crucial for the teacher to bring back their focus and thus, refocusing is required.
This is one of the skill of probing questions components that ensures students stay on track. Thus, teacher asks the students to complete his/her response using questions such as-
How does it relate to the growth of the plant?
Seeking Further Information
This is one of the probing skills where students can ask further questions and the teacher provides clarity. Further, teacher can ask questions like: Can you put it in different words to make it clear, what it means? How can you say its true?
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Critical Awareness
This skill focuses on students to think beyond what is taught. It helps them in building their own perspective about different subjects and develop their own thought process. For example, Why do you think the sun sets in the west?
Above are the major components of the skill of probing questions. If you apply them in the teaching-learning process, things will turn more fruitful and students will find learning more fun.
When is the right time to apply probing questions?
You can apply probing questions in various situations such as:
- After a presentation
- In classroom to make students think creatively
- When learning something new
- If you find people not taking interest in your teaching
- To find out what new clients need
- Brain storming sessions
- Meetings where review is done
Mastering the components of probing questions is essential for any educator or professional looking to enhance communication and critical thinking in their audience. By incorporating skills like prompting, redirecting, refocusing, seeking further information, and fostering critical awareness, one can engage students or team members more effectively. These techniques not only improve understanding but also encourage deeper exploration of topics, making the learning process more interactive and insightful. When used correctly, probing questions can transform a simple discussion into a powerful tool for discovery and growth.