The Best Note Taking Methods & Strategies

note taking methods & strategies

Note-taking is a valuable skill that most of us learn as students and carry with us into every boardroom, conference room, and industry conference throughout our lives. The quality of your notes greatly affects your ability to study and retain information. Of course, finding the perfect way to take notes can seem like a lifelong and very personal endeavor. But there are proven and effective note-taking methods, techniques for note taking, and methods for note taking that can help you retain information better.

The best way to take notes depends on your learning style, type of content and time available. Ultimately, the best note-taking method for you is the one that encourages you to learn and retain information as efficiently and effectively as possible.

In this note taking guide, we’ll talk about the best note taking strategies and how to implement them. We’ll also give you tips for taking effective notes and optimizing your learning with Box.

Study notes design ideas can help you create a visually appealing and organized note-taking system. Study with notes can also help you stay focused and engaged during lectures and meetings.

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1. The outline method

The outline method is one of the most intuitive and easy ways to take notes. As the name suggests, the outline method turns your notes into a hierarchy of information that ensures a logical flow of page content and keeps it well organized.

By using note taking methods like the outline method, you can create a clear and concise note-taking system that helps you retain information better. Additionally, notes taking and study with notes can help you stay focused and engaged during lectures and meetings. Effective note-taking strategies can also help you review and retain information more efficiently. With the Outline method, you can take notes manually or digitally

Here are some guidelines for taking notes using the outline method:

  • List the main lecture topics on the left side of the page Add subtopics under each topic, aligning them to the right. Expand each topic. subtopic with supporting facts, notes, or questions indented to the right
  • If you’re using the outline method on paper, you’ll need to measure how much space you need under each subtopic for all your notes. With a digital platform, you can always create more or less space during your trip. With practice, you can take notes very efficiently while keeping them clean and professional.


  • Emphasizing the most important points of a topic
  • You can group related points
  • Well-structured and visually organized, making it a friendly review


  • Not suitable for topics that require a lot of graphics, charts or graphs.

2.Cornell method

The Cornell method was developed for students by Cornell professor Walter Pauk. To take Cornell Notes:

  • Divide your page into two equal vertical columns Leave the bottom third of the page divided, creating an upside-down T on the page
  • Use the left column for key words or ideas and the right margin for extended notes
  • Summarize the material in the space at the bottom of the page

Like the outline method, Cornell Note Taking encourages note takers to keep clean, organized, and organized notes. This is a particularly useful way to encourage note takers to review their notes, evaluate what they have learned, and reinforce new knowledge. Although the Cornell method is known for its handwritten method, it can also be done using digital means. Cornell Notes is also an effective method of self-testing, a proven way to learn and retain new information.


  • Helps pick out the most important ideas
  • Writing a summary gives you a better understanding of the topic
  • Your notes are already logically organized and easy to read when it’s time to revise


  • It takes some time to set up the page.
  • Note taking requires a little more effort

3.The Boxing method

The box method of scoring is aimed at those who are visually dominant learners. Similar to mind mapping, boxed notes allow students to see how ideas connect and build on each other. You can make box notes by hand or digitally using tools like the lasso tool, which lets you easily group objects together.

The box notes method uses the following steps:

  • Divide the page into two columns
  • Add topic headings for each main idea and expand with notes directly below each topic
  • After you have made notes for each topic, draw a box around the entire notes section and title.

Finally, the page is displayed as several boxes of different sizes that neatly contain each main topic and its notes. From there, you can design a mind map by drawing connecting arrows between ideas or leaving the cells separate. By grouping topics into clusters, students can dive deeper into each subtopic and still understand how the ideas are connected of.


  • Gives a short summary of each lecture, chapter or subtopic
  • Useful for creating during revision


  • Not suitable for lecture or meeting notes when you need to jot things down quickly
  • Can be cumbersome, if you draw the boxes freehand (as opposed to a notepad app)

4.The Charting Method

The mapping method is one of the most effective techniques for note-taking methods for factual and data-rich lecture content. If the content of the lecture is well structured and coherent, the mapping method provides an efficient way to proceed with the material. Because this method is based on facts and key words, it is a useful way to memorize information and challenge yourself with memorization exercises. It is less ideal for abstract concepts and ideas.

Follow the diagramming method as follows:

  • Decide what topics will be covered in the lecture
  • Divide the page into several columns, each with its own relevant keyword
  • Write relevant notes under each keyword you use \ n If you have a ruler or other way to arrange the pages nicely, you can make drawings by hand. Or you can take notes digitally using a simple word processor or even a spreadsheet.


  • Great for reference
  • Summarize items systematically


  • Not effective for more linear note taking or notes that track story/information progression.

5.The Mapping Method

Mapping is a popular note-taking method in both the educational and business worlds. When learning complex abstract information, mapping can help eliminate unclear subject matter of great importance. Although visual learners prefer this method, it is useful for anyone trying to connect big ideas and themes and understand how they flow from one another.

To enable annotations on the map, do the following:

  • Write the main topic at the top of the page
  • Create one branch for each subtopic that stems from the previous topic
  • Continue subtopics down the page and out
  • Add relevant notes directly below each subtopic

The end result should be a network or information hierarchy similar to a flowchart. Mapping allows you to be creative and use colors or symbols to illustrate a comparison or connection between ideas. Notes can be mapped manually or digitally.


  • Easy to generate and track ideas
  • Easy to illustrate relationships between data
  • Refine points without cluttering the page


  • Can run out of page space if you have many data branches.

Handwritten vs. Digital Notes

In addition to choosing your preferred note-taking method, another important note-taking decision is whether to write notes by hand or store them digitally. For some people, the debate between handwritten and digital notes is controversial, and some students clearly prefer one method over the other.

Choosing between handwritten and digital notes (like choosing a note method) depends on what gives you the best results. Whether one approach is cleaner or faster is only part of the equation. The priority should be to choose a method that really helps you learn and retain information better and allows you to revise easily.

There are a number of factors to consider when writing by hand. Studies have shown that handwritten notes promote higher retention rates than writing notes on a laptop or tablet. Taking notes on your device also makes it easier to focus on other apps. However, handwriting can be too time-consuming for a quick lecture.

Compared to handwritten notes, digital notes are a quick and clean way to take notes efficiently. They allow you to use additional tools such as charts, graphs and cut-outs to help you learn better, especially if you are a visual learner. However, they can promote transcription rather than deep learning, as many students focus on typing each word rather than paying attention to the content of the lecture.

A hybrid method is also popular. You can take initial notes by hand and then transcribe them into a digital version, cleaning them up in the process. It allows you to convert the original handwritten notes into the best notes method in the final version.


In conclusion, effective note-taking is a skill that can be developed with practice and patience. By understanding your learning style and the type of content being presented, you can choose the best note-taking method for your needs. Whether it’s the Outline Method, Cornell Method, Boxing Method, Charting Method, or Mapping Method, each technique has its pros and cons.

Additionally, deciding between handwritten and digital notes depends on your personal preferences and learning goals. By experimenting with different methods and tools, you can find the perfect combination that works for you. Remember, the ultimate goal of note-taking is to retain information and learn efficiently. By implementing these strategies and techniques, you can optimize your learning and achieve success in your academic and professional pursuits.

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