How to List & Publish your Course on Digital Class

What is Digital Class
Digital Class is a one-stop destination for educators and institutes from all over the world who can manage and sell their courses online or place their services on Digital Class educational marketplaceso that users can find it with just a few clicks.
At this stage, you will learn how to List your course on Digital Class platform. Here you will complete all tasks like, uploading your course thumbnail, course details, course price, your Bio, your experience etc.
At this stage, you will learn how to List your course on Digital Class platform. Here you will complete all tasks like, uploading your course thumbnail, course details, course price, your Bio, your experience etc.
Let us understand it step by step:
Step: 1 Go to List Course from Menu and Click on “+List New Course”
Add your course details
- Upload your Course Thumbnail Image: Size 1280 X 720
- Write your course name: Ex: Grade 12 Biology
- Course Description: Ex: Full course description
- Select Category: Ex: Business Marketing
- Select sub category: Ex: Digital Marketing
- Your Course Language: Ex: English
- Certification: Ex: No
- Course Type: Ex: Paid
- Course price: Ex: 5000
- Discount (%): Ex: 10
- Duration (Month): Ex: 3
- Hours (Optional): Ex: 5
“After successfully submit above details click on SUBMIT Button”
Step: 2 Add Course Include
Main section which include all your course details
Step: 3 Add Course Covering Topics
Write topic by topic name of course
Step: 4 Add Course Curriculum
Importance of your course
Step: 5 Add Courses FAQ’s
Course FAQ’s question for students
Step: 6 Add Demo Chapter
Add your course demo video for students
Now Click on Demo Chapter name to Add Video:
Lesson no: Ex: 1
Lesson name: Ex: Biology chapter
Lesson duration: Ex: 23:20
Unlisted link: Upload your demo video here & paste unlisted video link of your youtube channel
Publish Online Course on Digital Class
This time, you’ll be almost reached!
Till the above 7 steps you have just listed your course, but not published it. so it will be lies in DRAFT section.
Now your course is ready to publish for selling.
Step: 7Click on “Click To Publish Now” Button
Once you click on the button “CLICK TO PUBLISH NOW” after listing your course and adding all your course details as shown above, it will move in under review section.
The Digital Class team will review your course details and demo lesson and provide you feedback if needed. You will make changes as guided by Digital Class team and then publish it on our platform.
Become a Course Seller & Start Selling Today!
In conclusion, creating and publishing your course on the Digital Class platform opens up a world of opportunities for educators and institutes worldwide.
By following the step-by-step Course Creation Guide outlined above, you’ve learned how to craft and present your course effectively, ensuring a seamless experience for potential learners. From detailing your course information to adding engaging demo chapters and lessons, the process has been designed to be user-friendly and comprehensive.
As you prepare to publish your course, remember that the Digital Class team is here to support you through the final steps for online course listing, offering valuable feedback and guidance.
You can further enhance the learning experience by uploading study materials, creating tests, and providing additional resources.
Now, armed with the tools to become a course seller, you’re ready to share your knowledge with the world and embark on a rewarding journey of online teaching.
Start selling your courses today on Digital Class and make a lasting impact on the global education landscape!
Become a Course Seller & Start Selling Today!
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