Important Factors Affecting Teaching

Students are the future of the nation and then stand at one pole of the education system in which teachers are at the other pole. The process of learning-teaching runs smoothly with the help of both of these poles. These two poles of the education system make a perfect balance and take the system to another height. Teachers work hard, collect information, and impart knowledge to students in the process of teaching. There are certain direct and indirect factors affecting teaching and learning that affect the learning process or teaching. In the article, we will learn about the factors affecting teaching.
The teaching process gets affected by various parameters such as teachers, learners, environmental and Institution factors affecting teaching related to teacher. These factors make the whole process of learning easy and smooth. Learning in a student’s life is very important as it builds the base of their career professionally and personally.
The factors affecting teaching are categorized as below:
- Learners Psychological /Individual Characteristic
- Teachers and Classroom supports
- Environment and other surrounding factors affecting teaching and learning
Factors affecting teaching
Factors affecting Teaching related to Teacher
Teachers are the pillars for their students. They play the most important role in their students’ life by providing support, boosting their confidence, guiding them in the right direction, and of course teaching them. They are the facilitator of learning in the learning-teaching process. The best teacher is one who is able to apply the best teaching method to teach students and guide them towards a quality learning process.
Teacher Development is an entire process in itself that involves upskilling, learning and evolving as a Teacher. It provides adequate training to a Teacher to be able to match the growing needs of students and parents in the classroom and beyond.
The following are the various factors affecting teaching related to teacher in the teaching learning process:
1. Educational Qualification
Educational qualification of a teacher decides their knowledge. By getting a higher degree in the teaching, a teacher will be able to impart knowledge to the students in depth and of quality. On comparing the teachers who have M.ED or PhD degrees with others who do not have you will be able to differentiate the different ways of their thinking and the ways of imparting knowledge to students.
2. Skills
Skills matter a lot. Sometimes a teacher with a lower degree of teaching has better skills of teaching than a teacher with a higher degree of teaching. It is not sure that teachers with higher degrees have the right instincts and can teach in a better way than teachers with lower degrees. Teaching skills are decided on how teachers connect to students, what teaching methods apply on students, how they explain the concepts to students, and what their attitude towards students.
- Their communication skills should be effective and engaging
- Selection of suitable teaching method
- Applying the right teaching aids
- Their approach towards teaching students
- How they guide and monitor students
3. Experience
Graduating in a degree of teaching is not that much tough as getting mastery in experience. Experience holds an important place when you are teaching students. Some aspirants acquire high qualifications which can make them qualified for teaching but lacking in experience hamper their progress.
With high qualifications, teachers can get a better understanding of the different topics or complex formulas but experience helps teachers to deal with the students and prepare them for how to teach students.
4. Subject matter
There comes a time when teachers who do not have knowledge of a particular subject are assigned to teach that subject. In such a situation, passion and motivation to research about the topic and teach students help them. Subject matter does really matter. However, the chances of assigning subjects which are not the forte of a teacher are very rare.
The syllabus of the subject is formed by educationists and psychologists keeping the mental and physical capabilities of students in mind. The important subject matter related factors affecting teaching which influence teaching are the difficulty of the task, length of the task, meaningfulness of the task, similarity of the task, organized material, and life learning.
Influence teaching include closeness of teachers and conflict with individual children and their classroom social management at the classroom-level as represented by observations of positive climate, negative climate, teacher sensitivity, and behavior management.
Factors affecting Teaching related to Learner
Physiological and psychological factors of learners are the factors affecting teaching. Every individual studying in a class possesses different qualities and requires different teaching methods. It is necessary to take note of the intelligence of students, ethnic groups of students, race, belief and socioeconomic status of the learners when teaching in the classroom.
The interest of each student in the class is also different which depends on aptitude, attitude, motivation, mental health and aspiration towards the goals of their life.
The maturity, age, motivation, previous learning, intelligence, mental health, physical need, diet and nutrition, attention and interest, goal-setting and level of aspiration are the factors affecting teaching related to learners. These are also the factors affecting learning.
1. Support materials
Teachers have their support system which consists of tools that helps them to improve their capacity of teaching. The different teaching aids help to analyze the area in which students are not taking interest or underperforming. This also helps them to adopt effective strategies that teach students. Support materials in teaching are effective tools for:
- Assessments and scores of students
- Teaching Strategies and lesson plans
- Standards and benchmark
- Effective use of traditional and modern tools
2. Instructional facilities
With the available teaching aids, teachers can cover a wide area of learning. It has many benefits such as differentiating instruction, relieving anxiety, helping learners to improve reading comprehension skills, illustrating or reinforcing a skill, presenting information in an effective way.
3. Learning environment
Learning environment is where a student learns and a teacher teaches. The classroom environment is the learning environment for students which play an important role in the learning process. Both students and teachers get affected by the classroom environment. The environment for the learning is well maintained by active participation in education, concentration of students, teachers’ focus on behavior of students etc. The environment of learning must be positive.
4. Socio-economic factor
The socio-economic background of students and teachers affect the learning process in an indirect way. It shows differences in the thinking level of students and teachers towards others. The economic factor of students sometimes gets dominated by teachers and its impact on the teaching quality of the teachers.
5. Expectations
Expectation is a very common external factor affecting teaching. It affects learners and teachers as well. Every parent has some sort of expectation with their children as they want their children to get quality education and they learn maximum when they go to schools.
This puts a psychological impact on students and sometimes it results in stress and impairments.
So, the parents should involve the students in the process of learning in such a way that they ease their process instead of putting a burden on them.
Also, teachers should not be put under pressure of expectations.
Factors affecting Teaching related to Institution
Administrative policy of the institution abides the teacher which affecting the learning process. There may have chances that the teacher wants to deliver in a way he loves to do but he can’t use his own method due to not allowed by institute policy. This leads to dissatisfaction in teacher which slow down the learning process. It should not be the case that teacher should allow the way they want but effective planning of lesson and consultation to improve learning path is required in line with the institute policy.
The teaching-learning process depends on various factors and they are interdependent to each other. Institution is one of the factors that directly affect teaching process.
The National Council of Educational Research and Training published the Core Teaching Skills in 1982 which laid stress on the following teaching skills.
- Writing instructional objectives
- Organizing the content
- Creating set for introducing the lesson
- Introducing a lesson
- Structuring classroom questions
- Question delivery and its distribution
- Response management
- Explaining
- Illustrating with examples
- Using teaching aids
- Stimulus variation
- The pacing of the lesson
- Promoting pupil participation
- Use of blackboard
- Achieving closure of the lesson
- Giving assignments
- Evaluating the pupil’s progress
- Diagnosing pupil learning difficulties and taking remedial measures
- Management of the class
Micro Teaching
Micro-teaching implies micro-element which simplifies the complexities of the teaching process. It concentrates on using specific teaching methods and offers opportunities for practicing teaching under controlled conditions.
There are many factors affecting teaching which are based on teacher-student relationship, socioeconomic conditions, policy and motivation of schools etc.
The teaching-learning process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is influenced by a variety of factors. These factors can be broadly categorized into four main areas: teacher-related factors, learner-related factors, institution-related factors, and external factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for developing effective teaching strategies and improving student learning outcomes. By recognizing the interplay between these factors, educators can create a supportive learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of students, fosters academic achievement, and promotes lifelong learning. Ultimately, the success of the teaching-learning process depends on the ability of educators to adapt to the changing needs of students and the educational landscape, while remaining committed to the core values of teaching and learning.
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