Full form of CPU

CPU full form in Computer is a computer system component that controls the interpretation and execution of instructions. It is a very general term for computers and many other electronic devices.
What is full form of CPU?
The CPU full form is Central Processing Unit.
It is the main part of the computer and is known as the brain of a computer. It is used to carry out instructions and programs. It performs all logical and arithmetical operations. It is mounted on the motherboard in a specific space known as the CPU Socket.
CPU Meaning can be understood as the primary unit responsible for executing instructions. CPU Definition revolves around its role as the central component of a computer system.
Traditionally it is also known as the processor which processes the data inputted by the user and produces the output accordingly. It includes two parts and which are Control Unit and Arithmetic Logical Unit. So we can say,
CU = Control Unit
ALU = Arithmetic Logical Unit
History of CPU
The CPU was first used in the Computer industry in the early 1960s. Originally, the term CPU was used for the device designed for software execution and this came about with the advent of the stored program computer.
The CPU full form in computer refers to a component that was initially designed and intended for use as a single-core-chip in programmable calculators. The Italian physicist Federico Faggin was the principal designer of the first commercial CPU, known as the inventor of the CPU.
The Intel 4004 named was released as the first commercial CPU in 1971.
This Important events related to the history of the CPU are as follows:
- Silicon, the basic component of elements of the CPU, was introduced by Baron Jons Jackob in 1823.
- Nikola Tesla patented an electric logic circuit (gate or switch) in 1903.
- In 1947, the first transistor was invented at the bell laboratories by John Barden, Walter Brattain and William Shockley.
- In 1958, was developed the first integrated circuit by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby.
- AMD introduced the AM386 microprocessor family, In March 1991.
Components of CPU
Control Unit: It is the main part of the CPU. The instructions are given by CU to complete the computer system for carrying out the particular task.
Arithmetic Logic Unit: It is known as the key part of the CPU and is used for performing all the arithmetical and logical operations.
Registers: Registers are one type of special memory device. They are used to store the data which are already processed and which need to be processed by the processor.
Categories of CPU
There are three types of major categories of CPU:
1. Small-sized Integration CPU
2. Large-sized Integration CPU
3. Transistor CPU
The Structure of CPU
The internal structure of the CPU is made up of Integrated Circuit.
It consists of millions of ICs, which reside in a single processing chip. And each of these IC chips is further made up of millions of nano components, known as transistors.
It can be divided into three parts:
- Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)
- The Control Unit (CU)
- Registers
The full form of CPU is Central Processing Unit. It is the primary unit of the computer system. It is also responsible for executing/processing the instructions of the computer. The CPU abbreviation refers to this crucial component that is placed in a specific area on the mainboard (motherboard) of the computer, which is called the CPU socket. Understanding what is the full form of CPU is essential as it highlights its importance in driving the performance and functionality of the computer.
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