Full form of CGI

There are two full forms for CGI, Let’s know more about them..
i) First Full form of CGI
CGI Full form is Computer Generated Imagery.
CGI is an application used for computer graphics through the imaging software and it is used for creating realistic 3D images, architectural design, animated and visual contents, anatomical modeling, video game art, special effects in movies and electronic media etc.
With the use of wireframe models, CGI is created. The features supported to wireframes can be, illuminations, reflection etc. According to the requirements of graphics such as, images, videos; these features cab be modified for making them look real. As compared to the quality of physical ones such as, hiring extras for crowd scenes, creating miniatures for shots etc, the quality of visual effects created by CGI is higher and can be controlled.
Uses of CGI
CGI allows you for creating motions and characters such that it can look real which may not be created using other techniques.
It is used to create images in films, print media, television programs, art, videos, video games, commercials and simulators.
Working of CGI
At first, the artist has to create the computer generated graphics and then to make the graphics in computer that looks real the texture, lighting and contrast color adjusted.
These types of settings make the animations real and natural not cartoonish. In action movies, the graphics are blended with the scenes which were previously taken.
In this technique, for making the product seamless, the lighting of the graphics and the scene must match with each other.
In 1973, the CGI was used for the first time in a movie – “WESTWORLD” of Michael Crichton.
It was also used after few years in a movie – “STARWARS”.
It was used in the movie – “JURASSIC PARK”, in 1993.
With the better use of CGI, there are many other movies in which CGI used and which are Inception, Finding Nemo, Lord of Rings, Avatar, The Matrix and many more.
ii) Second Full form of CGI
The another full form CGI is Common Gateway Interface.
Common gateway Interface is a technology which connects World Wide Web (WWW) and external databases and information sources. It is the better way for sending forms and connects with the programs on the server. The WWW consortium usually described that how the programs interact with HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) server with CGI.
CGI can also be defined as the group of rules or standards where a script or program can send the data back to server and where it can be processed.
The Process – how dynamic HTML document created through CGI
Client sends HTML request through URL.
Then the web server decides from that URL that it should active the gateway program or not and send parameters if any, passed through URL to that program.
The gateway processes the data and returns HTML text to the server. And then the server add MIME header and send it back the HTML text to browser.
Then the browser reads the document which sent by the server.
The Features
- It is a technology which interface with HTML.
- The scripts are usually written in either C or perl or easy shell script.
- Supported and well defined standard.
- The standard is generally compatible with all browsers.
- The method is quickest.
Advantages of CGI
- It is easier to use the already written code than to write new one.
- Advanced activities are easier to perform than JAVA.
- It describes that programs are written on any platform and in any language.
Disadvantages of CGI
- CGI needs lots of time intervals.
- Between page loadings, the data cannot be cashed in easy manner.
- The extensive amount of code base.