How to become a course seller on Digital Class

At Digital Class, we’ve helped thousands of course sellers to create and sell online courses. With this platform, you can create/list your course content and share your knowledge by selling it to students around the world.
Whether you have a already created video content or you need a help for creating your course first time, we always help you for better making course. For that the first thing to do is signup as Teacher (Course Seller).
We will always help you to share your knowledge to students and give the potential reach to the millions of students. Thus, we will grow together by improving education methods through the learning methods.
Here’s overview for becoming a successful course seller on Digital Class.
Plan to create course
You’ve to plan your course when you start creating your first course. For that you must have the prior knowledge about your course for whom you are creating.
Here are the some steps to plan your course:
Decide the course topic. You can teach any subject and in any language.
Create course for relevant students. It is important to know for whom you are creating the course. Create course for subject related audience.
Record your course. Decide all your course includes, curriculum, course covering topics and then record your all course videos. Place your course on Digital Class.
Create or List your Course
Upload your course content by creating or listing features and follow the recommended steps from start to finish. Let’s first understand what is create course and what is list course.
Create Course. Create Course meant by creating your course for selling on Digital Class Marketplace. If you have ready course videos so you can add course on Digital Class. Students can view, buy and learn your course on Digital Class Application & Website.
List Course. Listing Course meant by you can only list your course here for view or drive more traffic on your website/application or on your course landing page. The users can only view your course details but can’t buy or learn on Digital Class. When they come on your course page they will be redirected to your platform (website/application/landing page or platform where you placed your course) for buying and learning.
So, you can teach and sell your course from your platform by listing only your course details only on Digital Class Marketplace.
Publish Your Course
This time, you’ll be almost reached!
You have Created/Listed your course and submitted all the course details, Your course will remain in DRAFT until you publish.
Once you click on PUBLISH COURSE after Creating/Listing your course and adding all your course details as shown above, it will be lies in under review section. The Digital Class team will review your course details and demo lesson and provide you feedback if needed. You will make changes as guided by Digital Class team and then publish it on our platform.
Become a Course Seller Today!